CCCA Spring 2022 Newsletter

We hope you will take some time to read through the Newsletter. We would like you to pay particular attention to the article concerning the Spring 2022 General Meeting in May, when we will be discussing upcoming community events. This is where “you” come in. We would truly appreciate your input. A group of five people can’t always make the best decisions for a community of 300. Won’t you join us at the General Meeting and tell us what’s on your mind?

The yearly election of our Board of Officers will be held at the General Meeting on Monday, May 16, 2022 at the NE 7th day Adventist (SDA) Church at 1819 Cromwood Road. Do you have a neighbor who you think would make a good community organizer? Could you see them as President of the Cromwood Coventry Community Association? How about Vice President? If so, why not consider nominating that neighbor? Perhaps you are a great note taker. You could really serve your community, as the Board’s Secretary.

There are so many opportunities to get involved; we are in need of a few Block Captains, and the more volunteers we have for the National Night Out in August will truly benefit our Community. (This event takes a lot of planning and when we’re able to have committees it’s less work & a fun event for ALL.)

Lastly, always remember, if You See something, Say something. There has been an increase in vehicle crime, including the theft of catalytic converters (esp Toyota Prius). Please refer to the flyer from Parkville Police Department for other valuable information.